digitize wood

Platform for knowledge and innovation transfer between timber construction research at the Cluster of Excellence IntCDC and the timber construction industry in Baden-Württemberg.

Knowledge and Innovation Transfer in Timber Construction

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About digitize wood


Through various event formats, digitize wood organizes the two-way transfer of knowledge between representatives from research at the Cluster of Excellence IntCDC as well as from industry, mechanical engineering, tool manufacturing, crafts and planning in Baden-Württemberg. The events are intended to generate ideas for future cooperation projects between research and practice.

In addition, digitize wood organizes training courses and workshops, networks with other timber construction initiatives and is involved in public relations for timber construction.


digitize wood is based at the Cluster of Excellence IntCDC at the University of Stuttgart and is funded by the Ministry of Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg (MLR) as part of the Holzbau-Offensive BW.

In this context, the platform digitize wood creates an interface between the two institutions: It supports research by building a lively network and promotes climate-friendly construction in the sense of the state government.


The acronym IntCDC stands for Cluster of Excellence Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture. The Cluster of Excellence IntCDC was established by the University of Stuttgart in 2019 and with an initial funding period of seven years, it is the most significant and substantial grant awarded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

In addition, the IntCDC is the only Cluster of Excellence in the field of architecture and contributes to the establishment of an internationally visible research centre. digitize wood is part of the IntCDC.

In IntCDC, the full potential of digital building is explored: with the integrative approach of Co-Design, new design and planning methods, manufacturing and construction processes, and the resulting building systems are researched in a feedback process and tested on building demonstrators – such as the Buga Wood Pavilion or the Urbach Tower.

Timber Construction Initiative

In 2018, Baden-Württemberg as a state with rich forest resources, launched the Holzbau-Offensive BW, a broad-based promotion of climate-friendly construction with wood. Designed as an interministerial project, it is managed, evaluated and further developed by a coordinating working group.

With 13 innovation packages in the areas of climate protection, innovation promotion, housing creation, strengthening of rural areas and education, Baden-Württemberg is leading the way as a model on the path to a climate-friendly building culture. digitize wood is part of one of the innovation packages.