May 31, 2022

27.06.2022 – Closing Ceremony of the First IntCDC Research Networking Period

Together with partners and friends, the Cluster of Excellence IntCDC celebrated the successfully completed first research network period in a closing ceremony on June 27, 2022.

After a welcome by director Prof. Achim Menges and the keynote speach by Prof. Dr. Natalie Bredella from KIT, board member Prof. Jan Knippers gave a retrospect of the first research network period’s highlights. Afterwards, we got insights into the career paths of some of our alumni.

The ceremonial farewell of those leaving and welcome of newcomers to the cluster by board member Prof. Cordula Kropp and the Early Career Board, we had the opportunity to get together and network in an informal atmosphere with food and drinks.

digitize wood is based at the Cluster of Excellence IntCDC at the University of Stuttgart and is funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection (MLR) as part of the BW Timber Construction Initiative.