Aug 29, 2022

10. – 14.10.2022 – Stuttgart Week of Advancing Architecture, Engineering & Construction

Leading international researchers and practitioners from architecture, civil engineering, engineering geodesy, production and systems engineering, computer science and robotics as well as the humanities and social sciences will come together this fall at the University of Stuttgart: As part of the Stuttgart Week of Advancing Architecture, Engineering & Construction (SWAA), they will report on and discuss the interdisciplinary research as well as practical testing of novel, integrative planning methods and pioneering, sustainable construction methods.

digitize wood strengthens the transfer of knowledge during the conference and welcomes all participants to the marketplace.

More info.


SWAA at the Cluster of Excellence IntCDC

The event is hosted by the Cluster of Excellence "Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture" (IntCDC) at the University of Stuttgart. The Cluster is funded by the German Research Foundation since 2019 as part of the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments. The goal of this large research network is to harness the full potential of digital technologies in order to rethink design and construction in an integrative and interdisciplinary approach, thus enabling groundbreaking innovations for future-proof construction. The research in the cluster is intended to create the basis for less resource consumption and CO2 emissions in construction, higher productivity of construction processes, and also a new architectural aesthetic. In order to achieve these goals, the knowledge transfer and collaboration with industry partners and manufacturing companies are essential.


The Stuttgart Week of Advancing Architecture, Engineering & Construction is taking place at the halfway point of the cluster's first funding period and is aimed at the specialist audience and interested members of the public with these three events:


  • IntCDC Conference 2022 - Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Future-proof Architecture // 13.10.2022

With: Catherine De Wolf (ETH Zürich), Georg Vrachliotis (TU Delft), Katherine Kuchenbecker und Metin Sitti (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems), Cordula Kropp, Achim Menges, Philip Leistner, Werner Sobek, Lucio Blandini, Hanaa Dahy, Jan Knippers, Daniel Weiskopf, Melanie Herschel, Oliver Sawodny and other speakers (University of Stuttgart).


  • International Research and Design Forum: On Materiality – Creating New Architecture Through Research (in Cooperation with the SOM Foundation, Chicago, USA) // 14.10.2022

With: Sigrid Adriaenssens (Princeton),Thomas Auer (TU München), Martina Bauer (Barkow Leibinger), Mollie Claypool (UCL), Brandon Clifford (University of Michigan and SOM Foundation fellow), Paul Fast (Fast + Epp), Antón García-Abril and Débora Mesa (Ensamble Studio and MIT), Mariana Popescu (TU Delft), Jenny Sabin (Cornell University), Mark Sarkisian (SOM), Gustavo Utrabo (Studio Utrabo)


  • SFB 1244 Conference 2022: Adaptive Skins and Structures for the Built Environment of Tomorrow // 11.10.2022

With: Lucio Blandini, Oliver Sawodny, Werner Sobek and other speakers.


All events are in English.

Further information

About the Partners

About the Cluster of Excellence IntCDC

The University of Stuttgart established its new Cluster of Excellence on Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture in 2019. With an initial funding period of seven years, a Cluster of Excellence is the most significant and substantial grant awarded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). For the very first time, a Cluster of Excellence has been awarded to the field of Architecture. It will contribute to establishing an internationally visible research center.

The Cluster aims to harness the full potential of digital technologies to rethink design and construction based on integration and interdisciplinarity, with the goal to enable game-changing innovation in the building sector. The more than 150 researchers of the cluster represent the range of scientific excellence across seven faculties of the University of Stuttgart and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems.

Click here to go to IntCDC´s page.


About SOM Foundation

Founded in 1979, the SOM Foundation’s goal is to advance the design profession’s ability to address the key topics of our time by bringing together and supporting groups and individuals, each with the highest possible design aspirations. The Foundation’s award programming was established in 1981 and currently offers five annual awards across the United States, Europe, and China. The awards support students and faculty of architecture, landscape architecture, interior architecture, urban design, and engineering to undertake rigorous interdisciplinary research that can help shape our future.

Click here to go to SOM Foundation´s page.


About CRC 1244

Since January 2017, fourteen institutes at the University of Stuttgart have been working in close interdisciplinary collaboration on the question of how, in the light of the growing world population and depleting resources, more living space can be created with less material in the future.

The objective of CRC 1244 is therefore to find answers to the pressing ecological and social questions of our time for the construction industry. The aim is to optimize the energy, material and emission balance of load-bearing structures as well as façades throughout the entire life cycle of buildings through adaptivity. 

Click here to go to CRC 1244´s page.

digitize wood is based at the Cluster of Excellence IntCDC at the University of Stuttgart and is funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection (MLR) as part of the BW Timber Construction Initiative.